• 201407.21

    Composer.js v1.0 released

    The Composer.js MVC framework has just released version 1.0! Note that this is a near drop-in replacement for Composer v0.1.x.

    There are some exciting changes in this release:

    • Composer no longer requires Mootools... jQuery can be used as a DOM backend instead. In fact, it really only needs the selector libraries from Moo/jQuery (Slick/Sizzle) and can use those directly. This means you can now use Composer in jQuery applications.
    • Controllers now have awareness of more common patterns than before. For instance, controllers can now keep track of sub-controllers as well as automatically manage bindings to other objects. This frees you up to focus on building your app instead of hand-writing boilerplate cleanup code (or worse, having rogue objects and events making your app buggy).
    • The ever-popular RelationalModel and FilterCollection are now included by default, fully documented, and considered stable.
    • New class structures in the framework expose useful objects, such as Composer.Class which gives you a class structure to build on, or Composer.Event which can be used as a standalone event bus in your app.
    • There's now a full test suite so people who want to hack away on Composer (including us Lyon Bros) can do so without worrying about breaking things.
    • We updated the doc site to be much better organized!

    Breaking changes

    Try as we might, we couldn't let some things stay the same and keep a clear conscience. Mainly, the problems we found were in the Router object. It no longer handles hashbang (#!) fallback...it relies completely on History.js to handle this instead. It also fixes a handful of places where non-idiomatic code was used (see below).

    • Composer.Router: the on_failure option has been removed. Instead of

      var router = new Composer.Router(routes, {on_failure: fail_fn});

      you do

      var router = new Composer.Router(routes);
      router.bind('fail', fail_fn);
    • Composer.Router: The register_callback function has been removed. In order to achieve the same functionality, use router.bind('route', myfunction);.
    • Composer.Router: The "preroute" event now passes {path: path} as its argument instead of path. This allows for easier URL rewriting, but may break some apps depending on the old method.
    • Composer.Router: History.js is now a hard requirement.

    Sorry for any inconvenience this causes. However, since the rest of the framework is backwards compatible, you should be able to just use the old Composer.Router object with the new framework without any problems if you don't wish to convert your app.

    Have fun!

    Check out the new Composer.js, and please open an issue if you run into any problems. Thanks!

    - The Lyon Bros.

  • 201111.22

    Composer.js - a new Javascript MVC framework for Mootools

    So my brother Jeff and I are building to Javascript-heavy applications at the moment (heavy as in all-js front-end). We needed a framework that provides loose coupling between the pieces, event/message-based invoking, and maps well to our data structures. A few choices came up, most notably Backbone.js and Spine. These are excellent frameworks. It took a while to wrap my head around the paradigms because I was so used to writing five layers deep of embedded events. Now that I have the hang of it, I can't think of how I ever lived without it. There's just one large problem...these libraries are for jQuery.

    jQuery isn't bad. We've always gravitated towards Mootools though. Mootools is a framework to make javascript more usable, jQuery is nearly a completely new language in itself written on top of javascript (and mainly for DOM manipulation). Both have their benefits, but we were always good at javascript before the frameworks came along, so something that made that knowledge more useful was an obvious choice for us.

    I'll also say that after spending some time with these frameworks and being sold (I especially liked Backbone.js) I gave jQuery another shot. I ported all of our common libraries to jQuery and I spent a few days getting used to it and learning how to do certain things. I couldn't stand it. The thing that got me most was that there is no distinction between a DOM node and a collection of DOM nodes. Maybe I'm just too used to Moo (4+ years).


    So we decided to roll our own. Composer.js was born. It merges aspects of Spine and Backbone.js into a Mootools-based MVC framework. It's still in progress, but we're solidifying a lot of the API so developers won't have to worry about switching their code when v1 comes around.

    Read the docs, give it a shot, and let us know if you have any problems or questions.

    Also, yes, we blatantly ripped off Backbone.js in a lot of places. We're pretty open about it, and also pretty open about attributing everything we took. They did some really awesome things. We didn't necessarily want to do it differently more than we wanted a supported Mootools MVC framework that works like Backbone.

  • 200912.12

    MooTools forge - central plugin spot for MooTool framework

    I just stumbled onto this tonight: The Mootools plugin forge. Pretty sweet. Tons of fan-based plugins for Mootools in one spot. Check it out!

  • 200911.05

    Compared: jQuery and Mootools

    So after reading a very good comparison between the two frameworks, I have to say I feel good about my decision to use Mootools in pretty much all of the sites I build. This isn't because of some nebulous reasoning about Mootools being better than jQuery, but the facts are

    • They both do different things, and do them very well
    • They intersect in some places (mainly DOM parsing)
    • They both have their uses, pros, and cons

    I was considering looking into switching beeets.com to use jQuery, but wanted to do some research beforehand. I'm glad I did.

    It seems that jQuery is popular because it removes the hassle of doing everyday Javascript chores. Quite frankly, I've known Javascript for quite some time, and don't mind getting my hands dirty in it. So using a framework that abstracts that out and creates what seems like (from reading the syntax) a whole new language makes me groan.

    Mootools seems to better extend Javascript itself, and provides the tools to extend it even more. So if you already know JS fairly well, you can look at Mootools code and still tell what's going on even if you only have an extremely limited knowledge of Mootools. It also implements some great features that allow you to reuse code extremely intelligently. So intelligently, in fact, that in much of the code on beeets.com (JS heavy), we're actually not tapping into the full power of Mootools. Whoops.

    That is another point I wanted to bring up, though. When Mootools 1.11 and earlier was around, things were great. The framework was good, the docs were good, the examples were good. Come 1.2, they changed their site (much uglier), castrated the examples, and the documentation is, in my opinion, pretty jenky. There are no good tutorials on their site, and it seems like there are many features I've never tapped into because, well, I just never knew about them.

    This is half my fault, half Mootools'. I should be doing my research, but educating those using your framework is a must as well. Let's hope they work on it, and in the meantime I've got some reading to do. It doesn't help that the update from 1.11 to 1.2 changed an assload of conventions, classes, and method names.

    All in all, it seems like Mootools is the way to go if you are already great at Javascript...and I am. That being said, it may be worth me learning jQuery to do simpler DOM parsing and AJAX. For larger projects that actually need to reuse big pieces of code and do more than parse the DOM, I'll gladly stick to Mootools.

    Let the flames begin...
