
Vim syntax highlighting (void.vim)

A while ago I created a vim highlighting script called void.vim. I've been using it for over a year now and just updated some things that have been bothering me recently, so feel free to check it out. This is my main color scheme I use for everything, and I created it to be be easy on the eyes but to actually look nice too. A lot of the color schemes I've used seem to have been really loud or have a bad choice of colors. Void is my favorite.

Here's a sample (created with vim's :TOhtml command):

 1 /**
 2  * Trigger an event for this object, which in turn runs all callbacks for that
 3  * event WITH all parameters passed in to this function.
 4  *
 5  * For instance, you could do:
 6  * mymodel.bind("destroy", this.removeFromView.bind(this));
 7  * mymodel.trigger("destroy", "omg", "lol", "wtf");
 8  *
 9  * this.removeFromView will be called with the arguments "omg", "lol", "wtf".
10  *
11  * Note that any trigger event will also trigger the "all" event. the idea
12  * being that you can subscribe to anything happening on an object.
13  */
14 trigger: function(ev)
15 {
16     var args   =   shallow_array_clone(Array.from(arguments));
17     [ev, 'all'].each(function(type) {
18         if(!this._events[type]) return;
19         Array.clone(this._events[type]).each(function(callback) {
20             callback.apply(this, (type == 'all') ? args : args.slice(1));
21         }, this);
22     }, this);
24     return this;
25 }

This is javascript, but I also use it for HTML, CSS, php, and lisp. Note that all code highlighting on this blog is done via vim with this color scheme.